25 September, 2009

Bottoms Up!

No, that's not a reference to anything having to do with someone's buttocks.
Yesterday I went to the doctor to see if he could prescribe something new for my terrible acid reflux. He replied by prescribing me to go to the hospital today to have what he so ominously called a "Barium Swallow"
Well, I went to my appointment this morning and, after waiting an hour for the doctor, I became more informed as to what was needing to happen. I was asked to lay down on the table and the doctor scanned my chest with a large x-ray machine. The coolest part was seeing inside of my own body and seeing my organs pulsating and my spine moving as he asked me to turn on my side an whatnot. the nasty party was the barium. Apparently it acts like a dye so they can see what is going on inside of me. The doctor had me drink it, sip it, gulp it, etc, while he watched onscreen. It was pretty neat to see it enter my stomach and slide down my throat, but it sure didn't taste very great. imagine chalk and elmer's glue with a sickly sweet (almost like cherry) taste and very thick and gritty texture. I just get to wait for the results now... Also, I was late to work and still have to make up for yesterday's hours (My wife and I both got food poisoning and spent pretty much the whole day in bed.)
But all-in-all it was an interesting experience. I got to watch Friends in the waiting room too. That was fun...

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