28 August, 2009

You Get What You Pay For... Or Do You?

I see the need for places to close when there aren't enough people to keep it open and running. Especially in this economy, it's important to do what's best for your company. This doesn't change how bummed I was earlier this week. My wife and I had been planning on going to the amusement park for at least a couple of weeks. She had the day off from work and school hadn't started yet for her. Because of this, I decided to take the day off from work so we could have a fun day together. Tuesday I was looking around for discounts, as this park of amusement is quite exorbitantly priced. In calling around, I finally was directed to the park itself and informed that they are now open only on weekends. Well, I had already made up the time for work, so we decided to take it off anyway and do something else fun. Of course, we ended up watching TV all day and doing nothing, but I'm not complaining. It was a great day with my wife and a nice break. I am still a little bummed however. I was really kind of looking forward to spending close to 100 dollars on entertainment.


  1. Bummer . . . I grieve with you, real tears and all dude.

  2. Haha, thanks. I can feel the love. :)
