17 October, 2010

Day 15 - A song that describes you

This blog is harder than I thought it would be. I come across songs that are perfect to use, but there is no way I could post half of them, because most of the music I listen to isn't popular enough to be on youtube or yahoo. :)

Well, this song could accentuate my true eclectic nature. My music tastes, my sense of humor, my mentality, (if you listen closely to the spoken words) my random, strange side... etc.

This song tells you how I feel every single time I walk out of the house... Well, the music video does all the talking. The song is just a good one.

Okay, so maybe it's not THAT bad... Everyone just loves me, what can I say?

But it does make you wonder if people actually like you, or just like what you have or your popularity... (Not that that has ever been too big of a problem for me...) ;)

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